Saturday, 21 April 2012

Wedding Anouncment

         Our glorious Monarch, Queen Gertrude, has agreeed to marry His magesty Claudius in order to once again unite this great country under a united leadership. The wedding is controvertial however, the queen marrying so soon after the death of her husband. Is it even possible to fall in love that soon? Many people, including Prince Hamlet himself, openly voice the opinion that they are not marrying for love and that Claudius is doing it merely for power. There are also whispers of a darker plot. Some have said that the marriage may be linked to the death of our beloved king Hamlet, saying that perhaps there had been an afair before his death and some dare to go further, hinting at a murder.
        Our dear Hamlet seems to have been effected drastically by this cumulation of his father's recent marriage and his mother's marriage which he openly voices to have been to soon. Rumours say that it may be driving him mad. Hamlet was openly outraged by the sight of his mother and the new King Claudius together and was overheard ranting "frailty thy name is woman", advertising his open disgust with his mother, even going on to talk about suicide.

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